About the Kaleidograph

The original Kindergarten system that influenced Frank Lloyd Wright, Buckminster Fuller, Piet Mondrian, and Bauhaus masters Josef Albers and Paul Klee, was invented by Friedrich Froebel in 1836 as a means to teach children how nature designs. With simple blocks and paper toys based on the symmetries of crystals and flowers, Kindergarten was intended to teach at the most fundamental level — pattern, rhythm, association, interconnectedness, unity.

The Kaleidograph, an educational toy for children and design tool for adults, has been conceived in the tradition of the original Froebel® Kindergarten. It is simple yet expansive, ever changing in its diversity, brilliant and beautiful, and mirrors nature's own strategies of creation.

The Power of Design in the Palm of Your Hand

Explore symmetry and color combinations. See how small adjustments produce dramatic changes. The deceptively simple Kaleidograph can be arranged into billions of designs by combining and rotating two or more die-cut cards. Each set also includes a full-color, two-sided poster with over 150 example designs to challenge and inspire.


  • Billions of possible combinations [click here to see how it’s calculated]
  • Color two-sided poster of designs included in every set
  • Made in USA from sturdy, non-toxic paperboard
  • About the size of a thick CD case 4-3/4 x 4-3/4 x 3/8 inches
  • Packaging sleeve serves as both storage and frame for display
  • For ages 5 to adult, a toy and a design tool